Trade offer successfully sent. To complete the withdraw please wait until the buyer accept the offer.
Trade offer successfully completed. You delivered the items to buyer.
This trade has canceled. Your coins was refunded.
This trade has expired. Your coins was refunded.
Expire in 00:00
Your withdrawl request has bees sent to seller.
The seller must to confirm the request!
Expire in 00:00
Wait for a trade offer, always check the Steam offers to see if you received new offers from seller and check if the offer contain the correct items.
Expire in 00:00
The seller successfully sent a trade offer with your items. To complete the withdraw please accept the offer.
Trade offer successfully completed. You received the items.
Your deposit trade offer with id # was declined/canceled.
Expire in 00:00
Your deposit trade offer with id # and with security code was sent. Please accept the trade offer until the time expires.
Your deposit trade offer with id # was successfully accepted. You received coins.
Your withdraw trade offer with id # was declined/canceled. You received coins refund.
Your withdraw trade offer with id # and with security code was created and must Steam Guard confirmation. Please wait for bot Steam Guard confirmation.
Expire in 00:00
Your withdraw trade offer with id # and with security code was sent. Please accept the trade offer until the time expires.
Your withdraw trade offer with id # was successfully accepted.
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Tip to Rain
Rain is a unique, free-to-play rewards feature. Users who have minimum level 1 can solve a captcha to join and receive a share of a coins pot, which is funded by community tips during that period. Players can tip rains for added fun and rewards.
You can choose to donate your balance towards the rain pot. Everyone will see your tip in chat. Minimum tip is 0.01 coins. Tipping rain doesn't make you eligible to join.
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